XAFS Community archive
List of people for the 'High pressure studies' category

Andrea Di Cicco
kvr rao
Marcelo Ceolin
Matthew Newville
San Miguel Alfonso
David Gleeson
Andrew Dent
Anatoly Frenkel
Karl Rudolf Bauchspiess
Raoux Denis Joseph
Matthias Richwin
Dr. Sher Alam
James Waters
De Panfilis Simone
Marcelo Ceolin
Pierre-Emmanuel PETIT
sakura pascarelli
Orlando E. Raola
Khomotso Kganyago
Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt
Dirk Luetzenkirchen-Hecht
Venkata Krishnan
Francois FARGES
Alexei Kuzmin
Karl Rudolf Bauchspiess
Sven L.M. Schroeder
Isabella Ascone
Vladyslav V. Lisnyak
Deepak Bansilal Akolekar
Brandon Chapman
Khomotso Kganyago
Alexandre Simionovici
Angela Trapananti

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