IXS Executive Committee Meeting
August 29, 1996


Present: K. Baberschke, B. Bunker, D. Crozier, A. Fontaine, K. Garg, J. Goulon, S. Heald, B. Hedman, D. Konigsberg, S. Mobilio, N. Natoli, T. Ohta, T. Murata, J. Penner-Hahn, D. Sayers, E. Stern. Visitors: S. Yoshida, T. Morrison

This meeting was a continuation of the August 27 Executive Committee meeting.

E. Stern pointed out that for the next conference, the Executive Committee would indeed replace the older International Advisory Committee. He agreed with the election and budget arguments, and apologized for getting behind in schedule.

Appendix: Motion to the IXS EC

August 28, 1996

Motion to the IXS EC

Presented by Dale Sayers and seconded by Adam Hitchcock

It is moved that the Executive Committee of the IXS propose the following changes to the Bylaws of the IXS in accordance with its established procedures. The following sentences shall be added after the second sentence in Section VII, Funding and Budget. "The Executive Committee shall have the authority to set the level of annual dues for membership in the IXS. Any change of the amount of the dues must be approved by two-thirds of the voting members of the Executive Committee."

It is further moved that in presenting this change to the membership for their approval that the Chair of the EC also provide the following:

  • A statement of priorities of the IXS for the coming two years emphasizing the benefits of the membership as whole;
  • The sense of the EC on the level of dues which may be charged if this amendment is approved by the IXS;
  • An estimated budget for the IXS EC based on assumed revenues from the dues and other sources.
  • Motion to change "two-thirds" to "a majority" was made by R. Natoli and seconded by D. Crozier. This amendment passed 8-2. The entire amended motion passed 11-0.